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大眾市場上的研磨咖啡平均售價為6.79美元,單杯平均售價為10.23美元。2021年,茶葉在美國雜貨店和大眾市場商店的每存貨單位收入低至3.50美元,主要是因為雜貨商持續(xù)壓低價格。在商場的頂層貨架上可以買到價格更高、利潤更高、具有健康功效和生態(tài)可持續(xù)的茶,但在包括克羅格和沃爾瑪在內(nèi)的美國最大超市中,茶被視為虧損最嚴重的品類。盡管如此,仍有證據(jù)表明,消費者的飲茶偏好正在發(fā)生變化。沃爾瑪在2021年宣布,其自有品牌 Great Value Tea 現(xiàn)在已100%獲得雨林聯(lián)盟認證并可持續(xù)采購。

Packaged Goods Retail

Ground coffee in mass-market sells for an average of $6.79 and single-cup averages $10.23 per unit (SKU). Tea earned a dismal $3.50 per unit (SKU) in US grocery and mass-market outlets in 2021, mainly because grocers continue to aggressively drive down prices. Higher priced and higher margin teas with health and sustainability claims are available on the top shelf but the tea category is seen as a very effective loss-leader at the largest US outlets, including Kroger and Wal-Mart. Still, there is evidence of changing consumer preferences. Wal-Mart announced in 2021 that its private-label Great Value Tea is now 100% Rainforest Alliance certified and sustainably sourced.

聯(lián)合利華茶葉板塊的出售(立頓-百事可樂合作保留的品牌除外)將使ekaterra茶葉成為市場上的銷售領導者。今年1月,曾在 Whittard of Chelsea和Costa咖啡擔任采購員的Kate Palmer被任命為ekaterra茶葉的美國茶葉采購主管,這是一個新設立的職位。歐瑞信息咨詢公司寫到,“期待ekaterra為茶葉行業(yè)注入新的活力”。

The sale of Unilever’s tea portfolio (except for brands retained by the Lipton-PepsiCo partnership) will make ekaterra tea the sales leader in the market. In January, Kate Palmer, a former buyer at Whittard of Chelsea and later Costa Coffee, was named ekaterra’s Head of America’s Tea Procurement, a newly created position. Look for ekaterra “to breath new life into the tea business,” writes Euromonitor.


Western Europe’s tea market is valued at $6.3 billion, according to Euromonitor, with primary growth in premium categories. Herbal and fruit blends are growing even faster at 6%. Outside the US and Europe consumption of tea, for the first time in decades, is outstripping supply globally.


The most resilient category in 2021 was refrigerated teas, where sales increased 7.5%, with unit sales rising by 5.5%. Sales of kombucha were flat, and unit sales were down 1.7%.*

HTeaO是位于阿馬里洛(西德克薩斯)得來速餐廳的冰茶品牌,利用戶內(nèi)飲茶的便利性,推動了冷藏茶的銷售。成立于2009年的特許經(jīng)營連鎖店在疫情期間仍迅速擴張?!拔覀冇?2家商店開業(yè),37家處于建設階段,還有150家正在開發(fā)中,”HTeaO 總裁兼首席執(zhí)行官 Justin Howe 告訴《德克薩斯月刊》。

HTeaO, an iced tea drive-thru in Amarillo (West Texas), combines drink-at-home convenience and value that drive sales of refrigerated teas. The franchise chain, founded in 2009, has expanded rapidly despite the pandemic. “We’ve got thirty-two stores open, thirty-seven in some phase of construction, and another one hundred and fifty in development,” founder Justin Howe, President & CEO for HTeaO, told Texas Monthly.

HTeaO 類似于一個便利站,有26種新鮮釀造的甜味冰茶和不加糖的冰茶與水果混合。有一個有趣的地方,顧客可以通過分享“歡樂時光”來獲得積分和免費茶水,從而吸引大批顧客。在這些商店里找不到12盎司的杯子。最低是24盎司,最高是44盎司,在杯中加入菠蘿或櫻桃,或者選擇合作商最喜歡的51盎司(1.5升)桃姜或甜藍莓綠冰茶。購買3.50美元的大酒杯或支付19.99美元購買4加侖飲料。貨架上擺滿了健康的零食和全系列的YETI商品。

HTeaO resembles a convenience stop with 26 fresh brewed sweet and unsweetened iced tea flavors mixed, garnished, or blended with cut fruit. It’s a fun place to hang out with “happy hours” that draw crowds of patrons rewarded with loyalty points and complimentary tea. Twelve-ounce cups are nowhere to be found in these shops. Start with 24 ounces, top off a 44-ounce cup with pineapple or cherries or choose the contractor’s favorite 51-ounce (1.5-liter) Peach-ginger or Sweet blueberry green iced tea. Buy a $3.50 tankard or pay $19.99 for four gallons to take away. Shelves are stocked with healthy snack options and a full line of YETI merchandise.




1. 他們有全渠道,而且參與度很高。

2. 它們有成熟的線上和線下平臺。

3. 他們將自己定位為飲料專家,而不是茶葉供應商,經(jīng)常推銷健康飲品和植物飲料。

Reinventing Tea Retail

Steadfast brand loyalty rescued niche sellers even as the pivot to online and direct-to-customer transactions nailed the coffin on mall-based tea chains.

Here is what thriving retailers have in common.

· They are omnichannel with high levels of engagement.

· They are experiential in both the virtual and physical worlds.

· They market themselves as beverage specialists, not wall-of-tea vendors, often promoting health and wellness drinks and botanical blends.

Three years of COVID has reset tea consumption at brick and mortar restaurants and cafés, initially reinforcing traditional expectations of comfort and warmth but evolving to disrupt sit-down dining out-of-home permanently. Sales of tea in food service now account for less than 20% of global tea industry sales. For the first time in decades (beginning in 2019), demand globally is outstripping supply, early indication prices will increase.


Tea largely missed out on the rapid growth of restaurant-quality food delivery, curbside service, and take-out. Beverage service in downtown offices, sales at transit terminals, and inner-city stands remain below pre-pandemic levels. Retail vendors offering afternoon tea at tourist locations, iced tea at sports venues, and food trucks selling teas and juice lost sales to homebound tea drinkers purchasing online or near-to-home suburban locations.

Independently operated tearooms with few seats and limited financial resources closed, changed owners, or pivoted online. Tea is consumed more frequently at home, and with food inflation rising and costs driving up menu prices, it is clear that in 2022 tea retail will not return to the familiar patterns of yesteryear.


The upheaval in food service is manageable. Out-of-home tea sales in COVID-ravaged India already exceed pre-pandemic totals.


Restaurant consolidation is underway, with investors anticipating a return to pre-pandemic spending by 2023. Tea rooms, tea cafes, and tea bars should focus on efficiencies here and now. The immediate priority is to recuperate and resume growth at a sustainable pace. Retailers that survive will see greater demand, better prices, and fewer competitors.


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